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Is a Family Heritage Business which offers its very own “Cassava Cake” and quality Filipino Delicacies. Don Benito’s cassava cake is described as a “Melting Cassava Cake” due to its soft and delectable quality. It is baked freshly and hot daily for the patrons who wants an “Ineluctable way to melt their heart”.
Don Benito’s is a Family Heritage Business which offers its very own “Cassava Cake” and quality Filipino Delicacies. Don Benito’s cassava cake is described as a “Melting Cassava Cake” due to its soft and delectable quality. It is baked freshly and hot daily for the patrons who wants an “Ineluctable way to melt their heart”.

The Family Cruz started as a meat market vendor in Blumentrit in order to meet their daily expenses and support the study of their child Karlo Benito Cruz who was taking up Law. Due to the assiduousness and perseverance of his parents he was able to finish his study and successfully pass his bar exam. After he graduated, in early 2007, his father ventures in a Cassava Cake business named “Ree Chichie Cassava Cake” located at Visayas Avenue, Quezon City which until now is successively running because of the “undeniably, delectably and enticingly Cassava Cake” which also has number of branches locally.

Because of his knowledge, idea and passion in doing the business, in 2008 he opened “Don Benito’s Cassava Cake store in Marilao, Bulacan by using the secret family recipe with his father’s consent. Other than cassava cakes, it offers Filipino delicacies, drinks such as coffee, iced tea and sago’t gulaman. Moreover, it caters a different market from his father’s business, so that competition would not be an issue to them.

Don Benito’s serves as a one-stop-shop for variety of special homecoming treats or “pasalubong” for your love ones. By this, it covets to introduce the quality Filipino food products worldwide that Filipinos can be truly proud of. Today, it offers 4 flavored cassava cakes and these are; Original Cassava Cake flavor topped with melted cheese, Langka Flavor, Macapuno Flavor and Mais Flavor, available in different sizes. With 13 branches locally, Don Benito’s foresees to expand its operations nationwide to serve its augmenting market.
#31 Brgy. Bagong Pag-Asa Mindanao Ave., Q.C.
Mobile0922-8852569, 0922-8992899, 0917-7959111
Information as 29 January 2021 
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