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เนชั่นแนล คอนเวอชั่น แอนด์ เอ็กซิบิชั่น เซ็นเตอร์
องค์กร เนชั่นแนล คอนเวอชั่น แอนด์ เอ็กซิบิชั่น เซ็นเตอร์ 
Organization National Convention & Exhibition Center
รายละเอียด National Exhibition and Convention Center (NECC) Shanghai, co-built by the Ministry of Commerce of China and Shanghai Municipal Government, is one of the largest single block buildings and exhibition complexes in the world with a total construction area of 1.47 million m2. The main structure draws inspiration from the mellow and auspicious four-leaf clover and incorporates a symmetrical design concept, with the Commercial Plaza as the central hub and the surrounding exhibition halls as the four leaves. NECC is one of the landmark buildings in Shanghai.
Facilities at NECC Shanghai include exhibition halls, the commercial plaza, office buildings, and a luxury hotel. These four facilities are linked together by an 8-meter-high elevated Exhibition Boulevard so that people can easily traverse these functional areas. The most up-to-date transport system enables separate and independent passageways for vehicles, pedestrians, and cargo within the NECC. All individual operational units have their own independent transport routes, thus ensuring safe and efficient move-in, move-out, and daily transportation. In addition, over 6,000 parking spaces are available in the NECC.
NECC has in total 500,000 m2 of exhibition area, among which 400,000 m2 are indoor exhibition halls and 100,000 m2 of outdoor area. The 16 indoor exhibition halls include 13 bigger halls, each 30,000 m2, and 3 smaller multi-functional halls, each 10,000 m2. Delivery vehicles and cargo trucks have direct access to exhibition halls.
ชื่อผู้ติดต่อ National Convention & Exhibition Center
ที่ตั้ง -
โทรศัพท์ 021-67008888
โทรสาร -
อีเมล์ office@sinoexpo.cc
ข้อมูล ณ วันที่ 5 พฤษภาคม 2564
มีผู้เข้าชม 2,997 ครั้ง
มีผู้ขอข้อมูล 0 คน
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