ASUS Transformer Prime TF201-C1-CG Best Price
ข้อมูล ณ วันที่ 25 มีนาคม 2555 
ชื่อร้านค้าASUS Transformer Prime TF201-C1-CG Best Price

ASUS Transformer Prime TF201-C1-CG Best Price

i think this is an excellent tablet. i love customization and the android OS so i knew the ipad was not for me.
for about a month i was ecstatic with this tablet and it went everywhere with me. SOLID build quality, strong processor, good battery life, excellent display, lightweight, and able to handle every and anything i threw at it with only the very sporadic hiccup such as screen lag or a force close...
at first, the only thing i could possibly complain about was the single speaker. i dind't think it was loud enough and just having the ONE was kind of a bummer if i held it or laid it a certain way and it muffled the sound. (cue you're holding it wrong joke) however i found a free app in the market that enhanced the speaker volume and had a built in equalizer to tweak the sound and definitely made me a happy camper.
however, there was another thing i noticed immediately and thought this COULD be a problem and serious design flaw...the beveled edge combined with square edged components ie charger port, 3.5mm jack, sd card slot...
the 3.5mm headphone jack i don't think has caused any problems...i did get some lousy sound which at first i attributed to being able to see almost half the jack on the bottom edge even though it was flush with the top edge, but i think my headphones are just that ones a wash...
but the sd slot and charger are a little more problematic...
i mean maybe it was wrong of me to assume that having an sd card slot meant i could expand the storage capacity indefinitely rather than just having a convenient method to transfer things on and off of my tablet. but when you insert a micro sd card, it will stick out some because of the rounded lower edge of the tablet. could they not have just recessed this slot a couple more millimeters to at least try to have the sd card flush with the lower edge? overall this is kind of nit-picky as it does not stick out THAT much, but it IS can see it and if you run your hand down the side you can definitely feel it.
the charger is my biggest concern...recently i noticed my tablet was being temperamental with charging anytime i would try to plug it in...sometimes it would charge, sometimes it wouldn't...sometimes it would at first, then give out after a while or if i moved it etc...this was probably the first time i really looked at it and noticed that when its plugged in, the top (screen side)of the charger is flush, but when i flip it over, the bottom is barely half way in because of the beveled edge. this gives A LOT of freedom to movement and the charger can easily wobble much more than any other electronic device i've ever had...because of this, i noticed that the charger has been bending the connector pins and misalign them causing the intermittent charging problem. perhaps this isn't a big problem for people with the dock since there are two more points of connection and it increases stability, but i have never had any intention of buying the dock because i want a tablet and i already have a computer.

i feel like this is potentially a serious design flaw and i've already seen that i'm not the only one with bent connector pins...
i still love this tablet and i'm not here to bash it or android, but i think people need to know that your sd card will stick out a little and at least be careful when plugging in your charger because the connector pins are pretty exposed and fragile and it can move around a lot

ที่อยู่Chiang Mai
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วันที่ 5 กรกฎาคม 2567 เวลา 06:24 น.