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| ทำแบบทดสอบ 256 คน | แยกเป็น 5 ประเภท

The Entrepreneur Test

ทำแบบทดสอบ 256 คน
Entrepreneur Test
        Are You Fit to Be a Manager? Now You Can Find Out With This Interactive Tool | Do you have what it takes to succeed in a Business? This management test will help you assess your management skills
        The first question you should answer when you are thinking of starting a business is Am I the type? You will be the most important employee in your business. It is more important that you rate yourself objectively as the business manager than how you rate any prospective employee. Appraise your strengths and your weaknesses.
        As a prospective operator of your own business, acknowledge that you are weak in certain areas and cover the deficiency by either retraining yourself or hiring someone with the necessary skill. The questions in this test indicate to what extent you have the personal traits important to a business manager.
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Instructions: Read each question and click on one of the suggested answers.
Q1.Are You a Self-Starter?
Q2.How Do You Feel About Other People?
Q3.Can You Lead Others?
Q4.Can You Take Responsibility?
Q5.How Good An Organizer Are You?
Q6.How Good a Worker Are You?
Q7.Can You Make Decisions?
Q8.Can People Trust What You Say?
Q9.Can You Stick With It?
Q10.Can You Keep Records?
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