หน่วยงาน    ผู้จัดงานแสดงสินค้าต่างประเทศ | International Organizer
เซาอีส เอเซีย ปิโตรเลียม เอ็กซ์โพลเรชั่น โซไซตี้ เอสอีเอพีอีเอ็ก
องค์กร เซาอีส เอเซีย ปิโตรเลียม เอ็กซ์โพลเรชั่น โซไซตี้ เอสอีเอพีอีเอ็ก 
Organization South East Asia Petroleum Exploration Society (SEAPEX )
รายละเอียด SEAPEX is based and registered in Singapore and currently has currently has 1,600 worldwide Active, Life and Student Members.

SEAPEX holds regular meetings in Singapore on the second Friday of every second month, which consist of a social gathering and a 45-60 minute presentation on topics related to the “upstream” sector of the oil and gas industry.

Members, non-members, visiting guests etc, present papers.

SEAPEX meetings are held on the same day as the Singapore Scout Check Meeting, which attracts representatives from over 102 oil and gas member companies from Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Brunei, Vietnam, Myanmar, China, Philippines, Australia, PNG, and to a lesser extent Cambodia, Laos, Bangladesh, India, and Pakistan.

SEAPEX meetings are open to both members and non-members.

SEAPEX has also successfully launched several technical “Forums”, “Farmout Forums”,

and “Theme Forums”, where eight to ten company representatives each have 20 to 30 minutes to make a technical presentation and are provided space for display of their technical material.

Informal meetings are held periodically by SEAPEX members in Bangkok, Jakarta, Kuala Lumpur, Manila, Perth and Yangon.

SEAPEX publishes every quarter, a newsletter/bulletin, the SEAPEX Press, which is distributed worldwide to members and to some non-members.

SEAPEX organizes every second year an exploration conference in Singapore. The next one will be held in April 2015, following on from the most successful conference held last year in April 2013. SEAPEX publishes Proceedings of its Conferences, books, and/or maps and reports of general interest dealing with the upstream sector.

SEAPEX is an Affiliate of the AAPG and as such is represented by up to three delegates from its ranks at the House of Delegates of the AAPG.
ที่ตั้ง South East Asia Petroleum Exploration Society 20 Upper Circular Road The River Walk #01-06 Singapore 058416
โทรศัพท์ (65) 6533 2988
โทรสาร (65) 6533 1886
อีเมล์ seapex@seapex.org
ข้อมูล ณ วันที่ 19 พฤษภาคม 2564
มีผู้เข้าชม 4,041 ครั้ง
มีผู้ขอข้อมูล 0 คน
หน่วยงาน ที่ไม่รับรอง
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