หน่วยงาน    ผู้จัดงานแสดงสินค้าต่างประเทศ | International Organizer
ออสเตรเรีย บาร์ แอสโซซิเอชั่น
องค์กร ออสเตรเรีย บาร์ แอสโซซิเอชั่น 
Organization Australian Bar Association
รายละเอียด The idea of a Bar Association to represent Australia’s barristers at a national level was first raised in the early 1960s. A resolution to form the Australian Bar Association (ABA) was passed on 27 July 1962 at a meeting in Brisbane of representatives of the New South Wales, Victorian and Queensland Bar Associations.

On 24 January, 1963 the inaugural general meeting of the Australian Bar Association was held in the Theatre Royal in Hobart, Tasmania and was attended by around 100 people – including members of the judiciary and the various state Bars, including the Rt. Hon. Sir Owen Dixon, Chief Justice of Australia and The Hon. Sir Garfield Barwick QC, the then Attorney-General of the Commonwealth.

The ABA Bar Council now comprises the heads of each of the State and Territory Bars.

Since 1963, the Association has established its position as the peak body representing the interests of members of the Independent Bars from throughout the various States and Territories of the Commonwealth of Australia.

ที่ตั้ง Level 5 205 William Street Melbourne Victoria Australia
โทรศัพท์ +61 3 9225 6570
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อีเมล์ mail@austbar.asn.au
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